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Crossroads is affiliated with the Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod. For a complete view of our beliefs, visit "What We Believe" on the website of the Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod.  


If your idea of a church is some kind of perfect place for perfect people, we’re not that. Like everyone else, we’re sinners. We need mercy and grace. And we have found it in Jesus Christ. That’s why we’ve joined together to follow him and serve those around us. We don’t always get it right, and that’s why God’s grace is so important to us. It’s what brings us together every Sunday for worship, and other times as well for gatherings and events. Some of these are geared toward growing in God’s word together, some are to serve our community, and sometimes we just get together to enjoy each other’s company. We try to keep Jesus at the heart of all that we do together.


Holy Bible and Prayer


In a world full of people drifting aimlessly, we know who we are: forgiven children of God—not because of us, but because of Jesus. (Search Ephesians 2)

God’s direct, trustworthy message, the Bible, confirms that we are not highly formed animals developed by chance, but morally accountable human beings created by God. (Search Genesis 1 & 2)

Lutheran Seal


Life on earth is a thanksgiving to God the Father, who made us; to God the Son, who saved us; and to God the Holy Spirit, who miraculously changes us. Our purpose here is to love and serve God and one another. (Search I John 4)

The Empty Tomb


The Bible tells us that death is not the end, but the beginning—the beginning of a never-ending perfect life with Jesus where pain, tears and death do not exist.
(Search Philippians 1)


Bible Basics

Want to get a handle on the Christian message? Interested in Crossroads but want to learn more about our teachings? Looking to revisit foundational truths you once learned and revisit their meaning in your life today? Bible Basics is a twelve-session exploration of the basic teachings of scripture. This course runs several time a year, and we schedule it at whatever day and time works best for all those interested.

Weekly Bible Study (Virtual)

The goal of our weekly Bible Study is to deepen your understanding of God’s word and will while exercising your own personal Bible study. Think of it as a survey of Christian teaching that picks up where Bible Basics leaves off.

Sunday School

Young or old, everyone needs to grow in God’s truth. Children (ages 3 and up) have Sunday School twice a month. On the 1st and 3rd Sundays each month, they leave the worship service before the sermon to hear the good news at their own level. Adults have an additional opportunity after Sunday worship to ask questions and dig deeper into that week’s Bible-focus passage and theme.

Pre-Marriage Seminar

Marriage can and should be a life-long, enriching, and blessed relationship. If you are engaged, Crossroads wants to help you and your fiancé take the big step into married life with your eyes open and with as much insight and wisdom as you can find. At our Pre-Marriage Seminar, engaged and newly-married couples explore together the scriptural principles that form the foundation of a healthy marriage. Couples will also have plenty of private time to identify strength and growth areas, with the opportunity for further consultation with our pastor. This daylong seminar is offered once a year on a Saturday in Spring. Interested? Contact



Bible Basics

Want to get a handle on the Christian message? Interested in Crossroads but want to learn more about our teachings? Looking to revisit foundational truths you once learned and revisit their meaning in your life today? Bible Basics is a twelve-session exploration of the basic teachings of scripture. This course runs several time a year, and we schedule it at whatever day and time works best for all those interested.

Weekly Bible Study (Virtual)

The goal of our weekly Bible Study is to deepen your understanding of God’s word and will while exercising your own personal Bible study. Think of it as a survey of Christian teaching that picks up where Bible Basics leaves off.

Sunday School

Young or old, everyone needs to grow in God’s truth. Children (ages 3 and up) have Sunday School twice a month. On the 1st and 3rd Sundays each month, they leave the worship service before the sermon to hear the good news at their own level. Adults have an additional opportunity after Sunday worship to ask questions and dig deeper into that week’s Bible-focus passage and theme.

Pre-Marriage Seminar

Marriage can and should be a life-long, enriching, and blessed relationship. If you are engaged, Crossroads wants to help you and your fiancé take the big step into married life with your eyes open and with as much insight and wisdom as you can find. At our Pre-Marriage Seminar, engaged and newly-married couples explore together the scriptural principles that form the foundation of a healthy marriage. Couples will also have plenty of private time to identify strength and growth areas, with the opportunity for further consultation with our pastor. This daylong seminar is offered once a year on a Saturday in Spring. Interested? Contact

Devotional Resources

A “devotion” is a time set aside to reflect on God and his promises. This usually includes Bible reading, because God speaks to us through his written Word, strengthening our faith in him and deepening our understanding of his ways. The insights that others have gained from God’s word can also be a great benefit to us. This page includes links to and suggestions for resources that may help you in your daily devotional life.

Daily Devotions


WELS: Devotional series from Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod for a variety of needs - Family, Teen, Military...


Time of Grace: Blog Posts on a variety of spiritual issues


Bread for Beggars: Sharing God's glory through sight, song, and story


Online Bible


Bible Gateway: With hundreds of online Bibles in many languages, audio Bibles, reading plans, devotionals, Bible search options… this is a good place to start.

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